uvex Training and Support Solutions

uvex is committed to the design and manufacture of personal safety products which respect the maxim that ‘one size does not fit all’ - enabling Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) solutions to be tailored to individual requirements - delivering absolute consistency of protection and performance levels.

Our customer promise: To provide our customers with the information and support required to optimise ‘fit for purpose’ product selection, which delivers:

Getting product in hand

Increased wearer compliance...

Risk reduction

...leads to risk reduction...

Increased productivity

...leads to increased productivity...

We can help create a positive wearer experience

For positive wearer experience

We surround our products with an array of services which support PPE decision makers in selection and safety strategy implementation ensuring that PPE wearers derive maximum benefit in terms of protection and ‘issue free’ wearability.

Training Delivery

Our support team operates without geographic limitation and is highly skilled in developing and delivering a range of support specific to individual customer requirements; including safety strategy implementation, customised training, process support, product selection and trials and information exchange.

Safety Strategy Implementation

Safety Strategy Implementation
Best Practice Workshop
  • Relevant examples of best practice supporting product introduction
  • Managing resistance to change
  • Delivery of communication content
Product Implementation Plan
  • Structured support programme
  • Multi-locational
  • Message content and delivery
  • Product wearer trials
  • On hand to address teething problems
  • Training and education
  • Issue management

Customised Training

Customised Training Programmes - Wearers and Supervisors
  • Customer PPE goals
  • Why PPE makes sense
  • Regulation and Standards
  • Products: features, benefits, basis for selection, care, maintenance and wearability
  • Parallel best practice
  • Train the Trainer / Supervisor
  • Higher level content
uvex academy - Fürth, Germany
  • Manufacturing process - uvex PPE - building confidence and awareness of available technology
  • EN test laboratory - real time access to test standards for PPE
Customised Training

On Site Services

On Site Services
Multi-location Product Support
  • Customised toolbox talks
  • PPE implementation support
  • Visual / graphic message boards
  • Wearer issue resolution
Noise Level Checks and Advice
  • Advice on adequate and suitable hearing protection
  • Training for correct fitting
uvex Chemical Expert System

An extensive web-based chemical database that provides you with product solutions and permeation times based on your chemical use. Available 24/7.

  • Extensive database of tested chemicals
  • Easy access with 3 search options:
    - Quick search
    - Advanced search (multiple chemicals)
    - Customised login facility
  • Direct contact with uvex glove experts

Product Selection

On-site Application Audits
  • uvex specialists review site location issues alongside Health and Safety Managers
  • Consideration of environmental factors
Product Sampling and Wearer Trials
  • Formal structured wearer trials
  • Range definition
Glove Expert System
  • Comprehensive platform to enable the best match between defined chemicals and appropriate safety gloves
  • Permanent visual record of selection
  • Translation into customised application / risk versus product posters
Product Selection

Information Exchange

Information Exchange
Access to the uvex library
  • Extensive product technical data
    - Certificates of conformity
    - Legislation and regulation
    - Standards
    - White Papers
Best Practice
  • Industry experience
  • Cost in use - economic benefit models
  • Quality control
  • New product development and technologies
Product Manuals
  • Applications
  • Features
  • Care and maintenance

Process Support

Safety Prescription Eyewear Online Ordering Process
  • Time and cost effective
  • Permanent traceability and control
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Secure and discreet
Process Support

Request a consultation

Our service offer enables safety professionals to work directly with uvex support solutions experts to identify and implement PPE solutions specifically suited to their workplace.

Does your company have at least 50 people on site? If so, simply fill in our quick form and we will be in touch

We collect, store and use your data solely to process your request. For more information, please see our data privacy statement.

* Please fill in the fields marked with an asterisk. The data is only used for answering your inquiry.

Nigel Day
Technical & Support Services
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 (0)7768 616788

Nigel Day - Technical Support Services Manager

Download uvex TSS brochure

Download the uvex Training and Support Solutions brochure for more information on the various education, information and support tools that we can provide specific to your business.

uvex lens tinting advisor

We offer lens tinting solutions for every light environment. Our new digital lens tinting advisor helps you find the perfect tinting for your application.

Which uvex lens coating do I need?

Safety eyewear is often used in harsh working environments, so the lenses are usually coated to increase their efficacy and longevity. But which lens coating do you need?